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Interested in all things cute, crafty and cuddly and filled with ideas/plans which I rarely finish!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Simply Buttons...

Have been feeling rather glum of late so have been a bit lazy on the blogging front.  Really need to start getting organised, I made a good start but things have tailed off recently so I need to give myself a bit of a kick to get going again!  In the meantime I thought I'd keep it simple and share a few images of some fabulous buttony items...

1.: )
2.Button cookies!  YUM!!!
3.W. O. W!!
4.aqua and red
5.Custom Button Bouquet

 1.Marks and Spencers
2.Coraline Cookies - Bakerella.com
3.Kimberley Jospehson - Pinterest
4.Tess Ann - Etsy
5.Button Eyed Bride - Etsy
6.Button Soap - Boots

Enjoy the button madness and come and follow me on Pinterest if you like what you see!


  1. Lovely pics - especially the bride. Shall pop over to Pinterest right now. xx

  2. K - you need to put an email address of no one can contact you! I have put you on my sidebar and this way you may pick up some traffic. Need to blog regularly though - anything - even just a few pics - to keep up the interest.
    Good luck.
